All cities, like organic bodies, have problems. Structural design failures or bad postures can injury the system as a whole. These injuries tend to get worse with time and when the system is already a living organism, destroying or demolishing is always an aggressive method to cure. Alternative ways to destruction should be considered. Acupuncture […]

All cities, like organic bodies, have problems. Structural design failures or bad postures can injury the system as a whole. These injuries tend to get worse with time and when the system is already a living organism, destroying or demolishing is always an aggressive method to cure. Alternative ways to destruction should be considered.
Acupuncture is a technique that uses needles sometimes associated with heat or small spheres being inserted into specific points of the body. It is an interventional procedure that strikes one point to heal an area.
On these premises we have identified 7 cases on a sector of the city where we could use the acupuncture treatment. They reflect 3 types of intervention reinterpreted from this healing technique: punctual, gradual and temporary intervention.

Our working platform acts as an experimental field for the discussion of different classical and contemporary architectural themes. Each challenge is unique; each program has its own logic and structure. The approach to a site reflects its complexity and influences concept, form and space.
We consider time, site and program, important aspects in contemporary architecture, as creativity mechanisms. They blend the commitment needed for an architectural project.
Time give us the individual and collective dimension of the moment. The search for our time signs makes us be and live in the present where past and future meets.
Site reflects its own time, made by more or less complex natural and artificial layers, and also has the present, more or less vibrant, in itself.
Program is the body’s soul, a specific need for a single moment, a private or public request, and the structural challenge that sets the living environments.